Xika vs. Disinformation is a vibrant 2D animated short created by us at Clubcamping as a passion project fully self-funded with the support of Instituto Vero to educate on the perils of disinformation. The project follows our heroine Xika on a mission to defeat villains spreading fake news.
With a distinctive Latin American visual style, the short uses visual metaphors and exaggerated animation to represent how disinformation warps reality.
You can see some vibrant stills from the short, like these:
And glimpses into character animation, like:
For more details on the project's development, unique characters, and creative process, head over to the full Behance post. This mini-masterpiece brings truth and justice with comedy and flair. Don't miss out!
Directed by Clubcamping
Creative direction: Mariano Fernández Russo
EP: Ana Sieglitz & Juliana Millán
Script: Carolina Cantero, Alan Pettersen, Ana Sieglitz & Mariano Fernández Russo
Lead Production: Ana Laura Aparicio
Production Assistant: Alan Pettersen
Animation Direction: Pablo Cuello
Animatic: Mariano Fernández Russo
Art Direction: Martín Vinograd
Art Lead: Juan Barabani
Color: Nahuel Ruiz
Illustration: Juan Barabani, Martín Vinograd and Ramiro Cabrera.
Layouts: Evelin Unfer & Constanza Oroza
2D Animation: Nicolas Piccirilli, Alejandro Briganti, Franco Pelliciaro, Magui Barone & Maricel Piazza
Clean up: Sofia Diaz, Alan Mohamed, Mercedes Di Santis, Celina Pavon, Gabriel Rocha & Adele Baquiast
Compositing & Motion Animation: Mariano Fernández Russo & Gabriel Rocha
Additional Compositing: Yago Lopez
Graphic Design: Adriana Matallana
Music and Sound Design: Facundo Capece & Felipe Barandalla
Sound Producer: Alan Pettersen
VO: Julieta Nieto & Ademara
Partner: Instituto Vero
Project Coordinator: Victor Vicente
Partnership Coordinator: Victor Durigan
Content: Agenor Neto
Designer: Matheus Vieira
Brazilian Analysts: Larissa Machado, Thaís Aguiar, Camila Tsuzuki
Special Thanks: Sandra Sharman & Carlos Balseiro
© 2022